
Particle Dynamics LLC provides expert accelerator physics consulting, specialising in simulation, design, modelling and studies of charged particle lattices, including storage rings, target stations, beamlines, achromats and electron microscopes. Our core strength lies in high-order, accurate computational approaches combined with sophisticated electromagnetic field modelling techniques.

For fitting and optimisation, we employ a variety of methods including differential-algebraic transfer maps and the heterogeneous island evolutionary optimisation algorithm. We also offer expertise in radiation shielding modelling and simulation.

Our client list includes leading research institutions like Los Alamos National Laboratory and Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). Notably, we performed beamline design and transmission optimisation for PSI’s High-Intensity Muon Beams (HIMB) project.

Particle Dynamics LLC
Legacy Branding: Lepton Dynamics
Previous Name: Lepton Dynamics LLC
Wyoming Filing ID: 2020-000917410
Initial Filing: 18 May 2020

Registered Address:
30 N Gould St Suite R
Sheridan, WY 82801
United States